T Minus 1 Day


Back before I ever met Ryan and Mana, I would NEVER have considered a trip to Europe.  I felt too old, ugly, worthless, etc.  A lot has changed with my fitness journey.  I have transformed like my logo (the butterfly transforms from a caterpillar.)  I have learned how to love myself and that is something I wish we could instill in our children at a young age and have them never lose it.  The world is full of critics.  I can't even read comments sometimes on posts because people are so out there. (not my posts - but let's say a contestant on a singing competition.  There are those that think he/she is great and those that are just down right nasty.)  Are we sure putting a computer in everyone's hands was the best thing to do?

Remember when we had to pull the phone cord as far as it could go so we could step into the garage to have a private conversation with a friend?  Remember when the news only came on at 6pm and 10pm - not all day long! Ugh.  But I digress. My point is I've learned a lot the past few years and overcome a lot of fears and TOMORROW will be flying to Malta with my family and I couldn't be happier.  One of the flights is 9 hours long - but I am ready.

I've actually been learning a lot about flying from our youngest son who is a Pilot.  So I'll sit back and relax.  My co-worker suggested I download The Wonderful Mrs. Maisel so I have all of Season One downloaded and ready to go.  The next time I write it will be from the Country of Malta.

Thanks for following along with us.


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