Day Five - Dune Buggies in Gozo

You want? Tomorrow I pick you up 15 minutes early, I have a surprise. Who doesn't like a surprise? We said "Sure." However, by the time we all met our driver it was no longer 15 minutes early. So we figured there was no surprise. We got in the van and began our drive to the ferry to Gozo. Soon we made a stop and he said, "we get out here. This is your surprise." This was called Popeye Village. I had read about it so I knew it was a village that had been built for the Popeye movie with Robin Williams. It was then turned into an amusement park; but there had been a recent storm that had damaged some of the set so it was currently closed for renovation. But here it is. Popeye Village.
Popeye Village
Popeye Village

                           After our photo opportunities we got back in the van and headed to the ferry.  Alex drove our van on to the ferry and away we went for a 25-minute transfer to Gozo.  There was a snack shop on the ferry as well as several restrooms.  Since we had a driver, he took us straight to the Gozo Quad Hire (we didn't need to navigate a "pick up" location.)

All of our paperwork had indicated to me that this was going to be "dune buggies on the beach."  We dressed appropriately for this.  When we arrived it was after 10 (our start time was 10).  I feel like they wanted to get us going since we had paid for 4 hours.  He said several times, this ends at 2.  We didn't care.  We were on Island Time.  He showed us how to drive the vehicles and then he put his son Samuel in a car.  Then the dad stood in the street and said You in the orange, (me) in the orange cart.  Wait, what?  Me first?  But there was no time to argue, switch positions or think for that matter.  Then he said, GO!.  I think it was then that I realized I was going to be driving on the streets of Gozo where they drive on the opposite side of the street.  Really?  The one thing I didn't want to navigate!  The reason we hired a driver.  But again there was no time for ANY other thoughts.  NONE.  I took my position behind the lead vehicle and just like that we were off.  The first ten minutes, this was me "I am Strong.  I am Capable.  I can do this.  I am Strong.  I am Capable.  I can do this."  (You get the idea.)

After about ten minutes, I don't think you could wipe the smile off my face.  So many victories - conquering a fear (of driving on the opposite side of the street), being able to use my right hand (something that up until 12 weeks ago I had not been able to do for about 3 years), having zero pain.  I was loving life at that moment.  Here are some photos from the day.  This was a four hour experience.  Like I said, we started late, but we got back right at 2.  Samuel took us to places that were off the beaten path (

So to say.)  We really like our driver, Alex, so we asked him to join us and Dave even let him drive.  He was soooooo happy.  He was FaceTiming his daughter and telling her what he was getting to do.

SIDE NOTE:  I should have just done this blog in Word Press as I am having a difficult time with the formatting.  The photo above was called Window Rock.  Which I thought was appropriate since we were window covering dealers and this trip was called our Windows to the World trip.

We took the ferry back to Valletta and Alex drove us back to the Hotel where we each got to do whatever we needed.  I needed to rest, so I did.

That evening we ate at one of the Hotel Restaurants called Quadro.  The kids had eaten there the first night while Dave and I were at our Hunter Douglas dinner.  I had the Gnocci.  William, Crystal, and Jessica had met our waiter previously so when he saw us coming, he found us a table right away and took great care of us.  Crystal and I got a drink called the Dirty Shirley (which is basically a Shirley Temple with Vodka).  But Dirty Shirley did not translate - (Smile); but they did alright.  We were laughing wondering how it would taste, but it was good.

And just like that Day Five was over.  Tomorrow is Valletta, picture day (we hired a photographer) and Dave and Patty have a Farewell Dinner and the kids are going to dinner in M'dina.  Until then....


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