Malta - Day One and Two (Traveling)


The view from my room!

Travel began at about 9 a.m. for Dave and I on Wednesday, May 4th.  We started in Grand Junction and flew over to Denver where we met the rest of the family.  We had a few hours in Denver so we checked out the United Club Lounge.  Our flight from Denver to Frankfurt was delayed about 35 minutes; however, as soon as we boarded we were offered a glass of champagne and since I've done no sugar, no caffeine and no alcohol for 12 weeks now, I said "Sure!"

A toast!

Our plane took off at about 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday and arrived in Frankfurt at about 10:00 a.m. Frankfurt time Thursday.  We were served dinner and breakfast on the plane.  I managed to sleep from 7:00 p.m. to11:00 p.m. uninterrupted so that was good.  That sure made the time go by quickly.
Dinner (chicken, potatoes, broccoli)

Breakfast (egg, chorizo, fruit)

We had a three hour layover in Frankfurt, Germany and we managed to get a game of Solo in.  The Deters' family will be happy to hear that.  (smile)

It was now time to board our plane for Malta.  We were Group 4 out of 5.  Turns out we went down a hallway, down some stairs, outside and loaded up on 3 big Greyhound size buses and drove for about 5 minutes to a completely different part of the airport.  They then unloaded us right in front of our plane, where we loaded the plane from the front and the back.

My picture doesn't show it but they were loading from the rear also.

Finally at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, we arrived in Malta where the weather was absolutely beautiful.  We unloaded the plane and once again got on a bus, but this time it drove about 10-15 seconds and dropped us off in the airport.  We headed to baggage claim where Dave, Jess and I quickly retrieved our bags while Joe, McKenzie and Ben and about 30 other people stood dumbfounded when the carousel stopped turning and no more bags came out.  They had to all head over to a counter and stand in line to fill out a claim.  Thank goodness a quick witted Malta Lufthansa employee was wise enough to realize their bags were here in Malta.  After about 45 minutes of waiting (total), they found that they were loaded on a "cargo" transport and taken to wherever cargo is taken after a plane lands.  That cargo truck made it's way back to baggage claim and Joe, McKenzie and Ben got their luggage.  They were quite happy.
They FOUND our luggage!

We met our driver Alex and we loaded up for our hotel.  They drive from the right side of the vehicle and they drive on the right side of the road and the roundabouts are insane (in my opinion).  Smartest thing we ever did was hire a driver.  It took awhile to get to our hotel because it was 5:00 traffic, but wholly cow, did you see that picture I posted at the beginning?  That is the view from our rooms.  Our rooms are all next to each other on the 7th floor and we all have a balcony.  It's really nice.

After checking in, Dave and I went to a Hunter Douglas welcome dinner and the kids went out to eat at a restaurant at the Hotel.  (William and Crystal got delayed in Paris - so they get in at 10:20 p.m. tonight.)  Here are some scenes from the HD dinner.
The setup outside

One of the dessert tables

The outdoor bar

The view

More views

Tomorrow Dave and I have a business meeting in the morning and then in the afternoon we head to M'dina.  It is a walled city and it is also called a quiet city.  Some scenes from Game of Thrones were filmed there.  We will explore Mdina for a few hours, eat lunch there and then our driver will pick us up and take us to dinner.  So - stay tuned for more news tomorrow.  


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